A Week at WOLF Kids

This week at Wolf, we officially announced the dates of the upcoming fire sit in April! We’ve been practicing making fire using wild material alone and in pairs. Some of the kids are working on their bow drill kits and persistent to achieve their first coal. Fire is one of our oldest teachers, elder and ancestor. It’s been great to watch the kids confidence in themselves grow as their skill and relationship with fire deepens.

The older Wolf Kids hiked to the beach taking the deer trails, crossing streams, and foraging fire material on the way. They started a bow drill fire which took at least three coals since they kept going out in the wet nest material. Once lit, we roasted a deer leg over the coals. On our hike up, a juvenile bald eagle flew right by us through the forest! Such a great adventure day cut too short by having to go home. Most of us wanted to stay and sleep there on the beach.

With spring around the corner, we started working in the garden! Some carrots survived the winter and were eaten up.

Our bird guild learned the 5 bird voices and did a 30 minute sit spot with 4 internals to map the birds and sounds we noticed. After the sit spot, we came together to make a big map of the contact calls, alarms, and songs we were hearing. We noticed American robins, ravens, chestnut backed chickadees, a couple red-breasted sapsuckers, a squirrel eating maple seeds, and an eagle the flew overhead. Bird language is one of the core practices for developing quiet mind and awareness.

One of the wolf kids has been patiently tending to the rabbit skull we processed a couple weeks ago. She boiled it over the fire and carefully picked out the brains, eye balls, and other bits. Intending to bleach it. Definitely rabbit medicine in this one.

Written by Garrett Rokosh, WOLF Kids Mentor


Salmon Skins + Finding Belonging


Rabbit Processing