Serena Turner
Youth Programs Instructor
Serena (she/her) is of Irish, Scottish & Swedish lineage and has been a mentor at Thriving Roots since 2016, where she shares a deep connection with children and the land. She had the joy of attending the Art of Mentoring program in 2016 at the Wilderness Awareness School in Washington. She is also a Peace Councillor with children and has taken courses in Nature-based Therapy with Human Nature Counselling. Her approach to nature connection mentoring is Waldolf inspired, with an emphasis on seasonal celebrations and all things wool and wood.
Her diverse background brings a range of experience and gifts, including: Arts Therapy for children in the Arctic as a substitute kindergarten teacher, working as a flight attendant for 7 years and teaching kids yoga and mindfulness.
Since leaving the flight attendant world behind in 2009, Serena has continued to deepen in the Weave Work School of Soul Recovery with Dawn Dancing Otter, as well as plant medicine studies that brought her to the Amazonian jungle. She later ventured to Ireland to study ancient ways of healing in her culture, the Way of the Seabhean, as well as receiving great inspiration as a story teller! She completed courses in “Materia magica” with herbalist Sean Donahue, the Green Witch” with Susan Weed and the Alchemy of Plant Medicine with Seraphina on Salt Spring.
Serena is known for her cheerful demeanour and deep care taking, and has a love for keeping the spirit of the faerie folk alive! She also seems to have just the right plant medicine, stone, weaving project or magic spell to bring to your day. Her dreams are to spin and weave more wool into being …and share and inspire children to travel within our own backyards, forests and green spaces, expanding our imaginations so we may create the world we wish to see!