Remy Yates
Office Manager
Remy (they/them) is a queer & trans non-binary person of British ancestry. They grew up in Yorkshire, England, going on family camping trips to every corner of the British countryside. They studied Contemporary History at the University of Leicester and climbed gritstone on the weekends to escape the city. Their first solo international adventure took them to South Australia to study for 6 months and cemented their desire to travel.
After a few restless years grant writing for not-for-profits, Remy set off on a 9-month solo adventure in search of dramatic landscapes and belonging. This lead them to eventually settle in so-called “Victoria” in October 2019 where they have experienced a new definition of ‘home’.
Getting to know the natural environment of the Pacific Northwest has felt like being reunited with an old, forgotten friend. As a Tend the Fire Apprentice Remy felt inspired by the regularity of birdsong; the steadfastness of Cedar and Douglas Fir trees and the joy-filled eyes of a child tracing with their finger a spiralling line of tiny mushrooms growing up a tree. Remy has found new passions in wood carving and bird language – two whole new worlds they have a childlike curiosity for.
Remy is known for their grounding presence and open-mindedness. Remy is currently leaning into the mystery and magic of existing in liminal space. They hope to inspire curiosity and playful expression around identity, as well as validating the power of not knowing. You will either find Remy with their head in a book; carving a wooden spoon or laying on a lush carpet of moss trying to figure out what bird is singing.