Ancient Lands Teen Expedition

Ages 13-17 | July 14-18
Registration Opens March 15

Each year we take a group of teens somewhere special – away from the modern conveniences of our daily lives and into a place that is older than time. We unplug from our devices and plug into the ancient trees, oceans, cliffs and wildflowers that have made this island home since before humans had words to name it. Join us for the week-long Ancient Lands Teen Expedition with a small group of older youth and teens who are ready to take adventure and care taking to the next level.

Over the week we will:

  • Hike rugged trails, wade through rivers and explore the plants and animals of this unique ecosystem

  • Practice the discipline of caring for our own needs: food, water, and shelter

  • Make new friends, play games, laugh and tell stories

  • Sleep 4 nights under the stars surrounded by wildflowers and alpine trees

  • Make stuff with our hands: carving, weaving, earth art

  • Deepen into our role as care takers of our precious home called Earth

  • Follow our curiosity and make memories we’ll cherish forever

*This camp is geared towards experienced Thriving Roots students – a small group of older youth and teens who are ready to take adventure and care taking to the next level. Previous camping experience is a must.  In our own way we will get to know the land and its’ treasures as a way of continuing its legacy. We will sleep among the trees, explore new incredible places, cook our meals together,  and make memories to last a lifetime.

New to Thriving Roots? Contact us before registering to see if this experience will be the right fit:

  • Curriculum

    Take a more in-depth look at our forest school and wilderness awareness curriculum to see what skills and experiences your teen can expect to learn.

  • Campus

    View our unique outdoor classroom. 50 acres of forest surrounded by park land. Seasonal creek, waterfall & yurt.

  • Mentors

    Get to know the team behind Thriving Roots Wilderness School and learn more about your teen’s camp mentors.

  • Ancient Lands Parent

    “She was glowing and talking non stop all the way home and that evening. I haven’t heard her talk nonstop like that for a while! She was so appreciative of her time there, away from her phone, outdoors, feeling community. It is rare for her to go into a group of kids these days and feel able to participate without feeling shy or on the outside… and really so beautiful when it happens. I’m so grateful to you all for running this trip and giving the kids this amazing experience. And for Thriving Roots – a thread of sanity, connection, community, wisdom and remembering of what is important on this crazy and beautiful earth! Looking forward to the next year of thriving roots adventures for both kids.”

  • Thriving Roots parent

    “This program lets [my daughter] be her wild self, without school teachers or parents. I really value the style of mentoring and the guidance it gives while still maintaining each individual’s needs and ideas.”

  • Thriving Roots Parent

    “My daughter’s confidence has really grown in the past few years in these programs. It has really helped her socially, in part because of the multi-age environment. Her knowledge of the outdoors becomes deeper each year, and her ability to express it and teach others is so amazing! This program let’s her be her wild self, without school teachers or parents. I really value the style of mentoring and the guidance it gives while still maintaining each individual’s needs and ideas.”

  • July 14-18. Monday 9am until Friday 6pm.

    What’s included: All meals from Monday lunch to Friday lunch, a TRWS t-shirt, vehicle transportation to and from.

    *Food will be provided by Thriving Roots but campers will collectively be responsible for packing it in.

    What’s required: Backcountry overnight camping gear (backpack 60L+, lightweight tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag), portable stove, personal dishes, hiking boots, suitable outdoor clothing for all weather conditions, etc.

    We’ll provide more information with packing tips after registration is confirmed. Participants must be prepared to pack in all their gear for the week in one large pack. This will require leaving many things at home and wearing the same clothing multiple days.

    If coming with a friend, they can share a tent/stove/pot. Contact if you would like to participate but cannot provide some of the above gear.

  • Fee: TBA + gst. Includes all meals from Monday lunch to Friday lunch, a TRWS t-shirt, vehicle transportation to and from.

    Cancellation & Refund Policy: Please note that your camp fee includes a deposit and is non-refundable. Please familiarise yourself with our Registration Policies before registering.

  • Alaina, Frog + TBA will be your Ancient Lands mentors. They may also be joined by an apprentice from our Tend the Fire Apprenticeship program.

    Read more about the Thriving Roots team here.

  • We are committed to offering needs-based Equity Fund Discounts to those who would not otherwise be able to attend our camps due to experiencing systemic barriers to wealth accumulation. Read more and apply here.

  • We have limited space available in our programs for students with high needs. (We define 'high needs' as any designation and/or behavioural or emotional need that would require extra support i.e. ADHD, Autism, physical disability, any need for 1:1 support.)

    To ensure our mentors have the relevant experience and capacity to provide the support your child needs, please fill out our Student Support – High Needs form before registering and make sure to familiarise yourself with our Registration Policies.

Camp Details